Planning appeal submitted for 98 new homes at Poringland, Norfolk


In conjunction with Gladman Developments Limited we have submitted plans for 98 new homes on a highly sustainable site abutting the eastern side of the village of Poringland, close to Framingham Earl (including an above policy compliant 36% affordable housing and ” live/work units”.

The site also features attractive landscaping and also pedestrian connectivity into Poringland via a footpath at the southern boundary of the site which following a short walk offers a wide range of services including supermarkets, public houses, post office, doctors, dentists, schools, estate agents, and a wide variety of social groups catering for a variety of age groups. There are also a number of bus services into Norwich, Bungay and other destinations on a  very regular basis from the village.

We have submitted the appeal to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for third party determination and will hopefully achieve a successful result in due course. This is likely to be in the first quarter of 2021.